What Are Processed Foods?

Experts, professionals, and even influencers say this a lot, but what necessarily are processed foods? If we’re trying to improve our diets and we are being told to eat “whole foods,” what is that? What does it all mean?

Processed foods are food items that do contain whole foods, but, to a much larger extent, food items that don’t exist in the natural world. Usually processed foods contain a stabilizing agent, preservatives, made-up food items, sometimes even animal byproducts. Reading a food label is what helps you understand what you are consuming. It is best to look for ingredients you can pronounce and what you know.

Whole foods have not been processed. They come just as they are. Fresh fruits and vegetables, some baked goods, like breads or pasta, meats, sauces, salsa, etc. Look for ingredients you can pronounce or that you know. For instance, sodium bicarbonate is actually just baking soda and is used in baked goods to help with texture. Guar gum or xanthan gum is a thickening agent, and as long as it is not eaten in excess, it can be beneficial for feelings of satiety. Check out these articles to get a more in-depth look at common food additives in most food products and what it does to your health.

Doing your own research into the foods you eat helps you develop a sense of authority and autonomy over what you put in your body. Not all food additives are horrible, however, there are food additives that are not recommended in large doses or dangerous in small amounts. Take some time to understand what you consider ok for YOU.

Don’t panic if you find that foods you eat regularly have been poor choices all along. Today marks a new day of providing better quality foods for yourself and others.

What does this all mean?

No avocados were harmed in the making of this photo.

It means do your best with the budget and time you have. Understand that the more whole food items you can purchase for yourself and loved ones is of more benefit. We are a busy society but we CAN makes choices that will improve the health of ourselves and our loved ones. I’m not saying go make marinara from scratch, as that is not convenient for busy families or individuals. I am saying take a moment to look on the back of the marinara jar and compare ingredient labels. Stop for a minute and take a look at the bread you eat and compare that to another bread on the shelf. Is it good? Are you happy with the quality of the ingredients you are consuming? If not, grab another choice and check out that ingredient label as well, until you find something that you are comfortable with.

I went to a local grocery store, here in Phoenix, and took a picture of some common house-hold food products.


Wholesome Harvest


Nature’s Own

Arrowhead Mills

Macaroni and Cheese

Velveeta Ingredient list


Kraft ingredient list



Hot Dogs

Kroger Hot Dogs Ingredient List

Kroger Hot Dogs

Oscar Meyer Hot Dogs Ingredient Lists

Oscar Meyer Hot Dogs

Hebrew National Beef Hot Dogs

Fish Sticks


Store Brand

Gordan's Fish Sticks Ingredients List




Chobani Yogurt Ingredient list


Yoplait Ingredient List


Pasta Sauce





Store Brand Mini Wheats

Mini Wheats

Ice Cream



Dreyer Vanilla Ice Cream Ingredient List


I realize this is a lot and can be really exhausting. If it helps taking one item at a time, do so! Maybe picking out a better ice cream at first, to get the party started! Then, picking out a better breakfast cereal to get the day started better.

You could be the person who completes a huge overhaul on their pantry to get less processed items all at one time.

Or, maybe you don’t care about this and doesn’t feel like it impacts you - that is OK too.

If this really hit home for you because you’re looking to provide more whole foods into your diet, but this is a tad overwhelming, rest assured, as I provide grocery store visits to in-town residents of Phoenix, AZ. Email me at rachel@livelifeundaunted.com to set one up.

Thanks for taking a moment to read! Let me know what other things you want to know about by sending me an email or commenting below!

Rachel Baldwin